Why You Need a Nice Car to Be Successful in Business

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ugly-wagenLet’s talk cars – one of my favorite subjects. You read that headline right – you need a nice car to be successful in business. Here’s what that means – and doesn’t mean.

You Don’t Need a Maserati
You don’t have to drive a Maserati or even a luxury car brand to be successful. Here in South Florida we can be a little obsessed with image and status symbols like cars, and while it’s certainly nice to have a high-end car, it’s not about the brand. It’s about how you feel and how that sets you up for success. If you’re driving a Benz but behind on your mortgage payment, you’re not only being fake, you’re being irresponsible and are not acting like a smart businessperson. Tip: Drive a car you can be proud of, regardless of the brand.

Keep it Clean and Well Maintained
Though I am a car aficionado, I have a way more respect for someone who has a more affordable brand car that is clean and well kept. Having a “nice” car is far more about the condition. In business, you never know who might hop in and the impression your car’s condition will make on people about you. Obviously, if you’re in real estate, showing clients properties, it’s very important to have a clean, pleasant smelling, comfortable car. Real estate isn’t the only scenario where you might have a business associate in your car. You might give someone a ride home from an event, or pick them up for lunch, or who knows what. Tip: Steer clear from smells that could bother a potential guest. Just because you love the smell of cherry explosion air freshener doesn’t mean others will.

Set Yourself Up for Success
A clean, clear, well-maintained car that you can be proud of will mean never having to say, “I’m sorry, my car’s a mess!” or, “This dent/stain/etc. is so embarrassing!” The way you keep your car can reflect the way you keep your mind and your business. Show others, and yourself, that you’ve got it together. Get your car together and your mind right. Tip: Keep your car’s compartments stocked with things you might need, like a few bucks to tip the valet, gum, mints and tissues, or other must-have items.

Even if you don’t spend a lot of time in your car, there’s never a second chance to make a first impression on a client or business associate who sees or smells the sad state in which you’re keeping your car. Get. It. Together… And make the best impression possible!

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