How Starbucks Doubled My Business

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Starbucks Doubled by Business

No, this isn’t an advertisement for Starbucks – though I do enjoy a good green tea… This is about how getting out of the house and out of your comfort zone can help you build your business.

Connection and Collisions
There’s a great concept that’s thrown around a lot in the technology and entrepreneurship world: “Collisions.” It’s the concept that if you get the right people unexpectedly bumping in to one another or colliding, they’ll collaborate and do great things. This is part of the idea behind co-working spaces and what makes them successful, and why I love working from Starbucks and other coffee shops. Tip: Try different coffee shops and shared spaces until you find one that suits your vibe, and you’ll be more likely to collide with like-minded people and potential clients.

Talk to a Human
When you’re a business owner, especially one just starting out, you may not have the funds to invest in a co-working office or a traditional office. Or maybe you’re like me and have tried offices, just prefer to not have an office at all. If that’s the case, it’s always good to have a reason to get out there and meet and encounter other humans. We all crave that kind of interaction. When you’re going it alone in business, especially transitioning from a 9 to 5 job, you need to meet people, if only for your own sanity. Tip: In addition to working from places like coffee shops, make time for other social interaction, like happy hour and networking, to get to know new people.

Get Energized
Coffee and tea definitely help keep me energized and focused when I work, but you should do what works best to keep you going through a long day. The point is, get out of your comfort zone and routine and try something new. Tip: Do something that mixes it up, like an early morning run or a powerwalk with a business associate. Don’t like coffee or tea? Try the beach, or even a park, hotel lobby or museum.

In business, you absolutely have to mix it up if you want to succeed. Don’t get settled into routines – force yourself to be around new people and places.  You have to be willing to think differently, and nothing is better than literally changing your point of view by working from a new place.

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